Open Water Dive Certification it's designed to be very safe. The title is a bit misleading because it makes it sound like you start in open water, kind of the proverbial thrown in the deep. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Your training will start in a pool or a protected body of water that has pool like conditions. You will be walked through groups of skill sets to slowly acclimatize to operating under water. One of your first skill will be a simple as putting your head under water to get accustomed to breathing under water. You will then work your way up to swimming around the pool underwater in full scuba gear. We work very hard at SpringAdventures, LLC to ensure that everyone can successfully complete our course. Classes are designed so that people can progress at different paces. Simply put, some people will jump in the water and be a fish right away some people take a little time. This idea of building on small sets of skills, in addition to instructors that are trained to focused on safety, make scuba diving an extreme safe sport to learn.