Spring into Diving With Us!
Scuba Instruction and Guided Dives!

Serving Florida and Georgia
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Better Training Equipment!
4 reasons our training equipment is better than the average rental equipment used by other facilities!

Beautiful and Chilly
Wet Suits - The Key to Comfort! Ours are 2/3 thicker.
We provide our students with 5 mm Pinnacle wetsuits. Just to start with our suits are thicker than many area rental suits. The 3mm suits you find in many rental facilities tends to leave you a little cool in our area springs. Florida springs run 72 degrees year round. While that sounds nice for an AC setting, water pulls the heat out of you much faster than air. Additionally, Pinnacle is a premier brand of wet suits that is located right here in Florida. Typically, area rental facility's have older, cheaper wetsuits that are not well maintained. This is easy to understand as they are renting out their gear and aren't able to observe the use of the equipment. We are able to observe our gears in use and recommend best practices. Conversely, when people are running around tearing your stuff up - you buy cheap gear and replace as little as possible.
Regulators! - Breathing Is Good.....
BALANCED REGS v. UNBALANCED REGS - A balanced first stage regulator offers consistent air flow regardless of depth and tank pressure. These tend to be more expensive regulators and have more expensive repair kits so many rental facilities go for the cheaper unbalanced regulator. While cheaper to purchase and maintain, an unbalanced regulator will become harder to breathe from as depth increases and or tank pressure decreases. We tend to think this is not a good idea for new divers who are just learning the sport so we invest in better regulators. We use the Hog D1X Yoke Env Classic 2.0 Regulator Set SKU HOG-0536 with a Sea Elite Scout Compact Octopus and Edge Precision 2 Gauge Console Global. Better than any rental regulators we have seen!

Buoyance Control Device - BCD
Training and Rental BCD's are really about fit. We'd like to say ours really stand out but most training gear and rental gear is going to be the same regarding BCDs. The area we stand out in is that we get your sizes well in advance. This ensures that we will have the right size equipment. Many facilities are renting and training and your get what you get the day you show up to train.
How can say we have such better gear than our competition?
Simply put - we buy better gear and we sell our training equipment. We have a goal of replace our training gear every 6-12 months. Most replace rental gear every 3-5 years. Longer with regulators and BCDs. How do we do it? You like the gear that you are wearing - you can buy it! Walk home with what you are wearing that day or contact us later. You get a huge discount on used gear and we get an opportunity to buy new replacement gear. We will even give you a record of how much the gear has been used. You won't get this deal anywhere else! Our goal is to sell excellent gear to our students and have excellent gear for our future students. Owning your gear is the best way to enjoy regular diving! Its a win-win deal!